...brings up connotations of coupons, that day out of date food, what the stars get at the oscars and in general just stuff that they can't sell! Trouble is, because it's free do you accept it?
If you were offered a basket of whale derivative body products would you take it? How about a custard tart that was due to explode, or turn into a new lifeform tomorrow? Or how about two tickets to a certain boy band that has got back together to tour the UK at the moment, including hospitality and the chance to meet said band?
Was my said dilemma today...
Our company is the proud sponsor of said band and as such my boss was offered two tickets to go, not his kind of thing, and offered them to me... also not my kind of thing (sorry to say but formula pop groups just do nothing for me and heck, I don't even know a single one of thier songs - give me Stacey Kent, Marilyn Manson, Kenny Rogers, or Foo Fighters any day!). I guess I could have said yes and found a friend who did, or even sell them on that 'e' site and made a huge profit out of nothing.
Trouble is, if I don't want it, even if it's free, I'll say no thanks... not quite sure what it says about me, though I'm durn sure it says something!