Sunday, July 04, 2010

Owies for Miss Yo Yo!

What an ucky week for the black furry one...

Arrived home to Miss Yo Yo sitting in the garden, staring out the house meowing a lot and not wanting to come in on Monday. Then a night up, and ending up sleeping on the couch pillows in the middle of the floor with her - her being totally meowing all night, moving round not being comfy, jumping at the slightest thing. So yes, it was off to the V E T to see what they could decipher (I do wish someone would go and translate meow!). Next thing there is Miss Yo Yo in the V E T with an IV plugged in and numerous tests being taken! Well they did find that her temperature was normal, and she did do her usual purring as the thermometer was put in a place that the sun never sees...

They suspected pancreastitis though couldn't confirm for four days! They did rule out diabetes and liver disease, so that's all good. On the plus side I was allowed visitation rights.. first time she was still rather not the Miss Yo Yo self that we know and love, and the second time she's missing a great big chunk out of her head where she had decided to love the water dispenser in her cage (oh yeah yet another hurt to add to her list!) though a spot of purring was had.

So finally Miss Yo Yo is allowed to leave (on Sunday!), though we're still none the wiser as to what has caused the pancreastitis, there was some mention of IBS, though no confirmation. So now she's home, with two front shaved legs, as shaved neck and a great big line down her head where she took all the hair off in her bout of I love the water dispenser episode. Miss Yo Yo looks well hard, just needs a couple of tattoes and piercings now!

We are down rather a lot of pounds, though I must say it's lovely to have Miss Yo Yo home and I sure hope to see her out and about again enjoying the park bench in the garden (previous park bench enjoyment picture added).

Fingers crossed this is the one and only episode, though apparently once she's had it there's a likelihood that it'll be back. And considering she's reached the right old age of 9 (52 human ones) I can only hope this is the one and only!


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