Saturday, December 26, 2009


I need to start carrying a big stick so I can poke it through the spokes of cyclarses who are not only cycling the wrong way down a one-way street, they are also doing it on the footpath! FOOTPATH, it's all kinda in the name isn't it! If it was a cyclepath there'd be a great big cycle painted on it with a painted strip down it to divide the path between cyclists and pedestrians!
The police in Woking are complaining that they've had budget cuts... well if they actually gave cyclarses penalty tickets for riding on the footpaths in Woking they'd rake the money in! I purposely counted how many cyclarses there are on my ten minute walk to the train station, down three different one-way streets and it's an average of two, yes, TWO OF THE ARSES!
So look out next cyclarse that I see, especially if you're the one that likes to ring your little cycle bell to make me move out the way so you can cycle on the footpath down a one-way street! This pedestrian has had enough! GAH!!!!!!


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