Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Called New Zealand Internal Affairs today and was told that yes, my new passport is ready for collection!
Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa!
Such a huge relief that is. Wont be missing out on visiting a new country, enjoying new food, drink and people! Also wont be missing out on two friends getting married, a christening and seeing elephants! Also wont be missing out on catching up with friends I haven't seen in six years or sensational scenery!
When I heard the news I nearly danced round the office and hugged everyone... managed to restrain myself to a couple of bounces in my chair. The smile on my face must have been incredible. And I'm sure I lost a tonne of weight off my shoulders.
I'm so happy, yay!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Warm Fuzzies!

So love catching up with the family, even if it is by telephone... just wonderful to have that voice contact that emails don't give.
Do so enjoy hearing what they're all doing back home, the good, the bad, the inbetween stuff.
Mum's doing the decorating, Dad's sorting our his hunting paraphernalia, Sis and her family have just moved house and bought a buiness, bro & Miss V are getting to grips owning their own home and Nana is having up and down days (as to be expected).
It's even good to hear about the weather... blowing today though was a scorcher yesterday.
Can't wait until I'm there in person and can check it all out myself!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Oh Shivers!

Major big pile of twenty million elephants dung!
Got everything crossed here that I'll still be able to go to South Africa on the 24th.
Sent off my New Zealand passport renewal two weeks ago and guess what... on Monday I received a letter back saying that the photo that I sent in was inadequate! Quote "my hair was obscuring the sides of my face and eyes" (though since you could see my eyebrows I'd have to disagree) and that the "quality was not clear" (it was from one of those passport machines so it was passport standard quality!) and I had to supply a new one!!
So took the afternoon off, thank you Mr Boss Man, to take in a photo personally to NZ Internal Affairs. The lady there said the picture was fine and I will be able to pick up my renewed passport on the 23rd! So I called today to double check that they are NOT posting it out to me, that it WILL be at NZ house on the 23rd and they said, "yes, it will be".
Well all I can say is that it had better blimmin well be as I was prepared to pay an exorbitant sum to have it rushed in four days - while the lady said "no, you'll be fine"... I better be!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Twas a wonderful day yesterday. Was the day to celebrate Miss M's impending end to singledom and welcome to marridom!
Miss K had organised a delicious start to the celebrations at the Neuhaus Salon Chocolate Cafe... where we spent a delightfully scrummy two hours learning the history of chocolate, the different types of chocolate, how to taste chocolate and even how to hand dip chocolate! Of course sipping on champagne throughout and enjoying the wonderful company of the other ladies. I managed to spend more than I should, though not as much as I was wanting to, they are indeed very delicious chocolates and urge anyone in Putney to drop by the Exchange Centre and indulge!
Miss L then took us onto the next part of the evening, Dukes Head pub, where along the way Miss M had to complete some 'dares'... shouting out "I'm a Virgin" was the favourite! We then spent a fabulous time watching Miss M complete various other tasks - getting telephone numbers from men, getting them to buy her drinks, and trying to convince them that she knew them from somewhere. Of course this was all greatly helped by the brilliant red wig, tiara and veil and Bride to Be sash that she was wearing. Everyone took it in all good fun and we seemed to leave everyone with a big smile on their faces.
It was then on upstairs for a very nice dinner (it's amazing how much pub food has improved nowdays) and more champagne - the lovely waitress gave us a £48 bottle for the same price as the £24 one we'd asked for. Tis always great when places do things like that for you... though no doubt they reap huge benefits in the repeat visits afters!
The time was getting on, Miss M was a bit worse for wear (well she was probably drinking three drinks to our every one), so it was decided to head off for some dancing! Unfortunately being the only out of townie and not being smart enough to arrange alternate sleeping place before hand it was time for me to head off.
Still waiting for the update on what happened.... I guess I'll get it sometime... maybe Wednesday?!

PS: if you'd like to check out the chocolate place...


Well everyone one will be pleased to know that after twelve days the horrible cold has finally gone!
Means I can go back to the swimming and spin classes at the gym. Though no doubt it'll be a shock to my system and I'm going to be aching all over again.
Ahh well, no pain no gain so they say.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ill Again...

... big heaving sigh, cough, splutter, sneeze, oh gawd where's the tissues, where's the spitoon, I'm going to pass out!
Yes, sick again... nice lovely chesty one this time, hurts like hell, though interesting to see what colour goop will be coughed up this time. Never knew I had such interesting shades of green, orange and brown in my chest!
I really don't get this sick thing. I eat my 3 pieces of fruit a day, plus about 3 vegetables, have even started adding fish to my diet (well at least once a week) and even braved a steak the other week (best not to go into how long that stayed in the digestive system, though all I will say is that it was less than an hour) and have even cut down on the junk food. Opting for such things as cardboard like crackers with sliced cucumber or tomato on top with lots of freshly ground black pepper or plain old carrot sticks with a little chilli sauce for dipping.
Maybe it's the up and down weather, or going from hot to cold to hot to cold buildings and trains, or maybe it's just the gross out people who cough and sneeze all over the place without covering their noses and mouths.
Well whatever it is, bleh, bleh and BLEH!