Sunday, April 13, 2008

TV Addict!

Well there's a new 32" flat screen technological item in the house and it looks like Miss Yo Yo is becoming addicted to it!
The talking cat and flying squirrel ads have Miss Yo Yo up close and staring intently at the screen. And Planet Earth has her nearly climbing into it!
Can't wait to see what her all-time favourite programme (well the Famous Grouse whiskey ad) has her doing... probably pouncing at the grouse for some lunch!
Though all this TV watching has her tuckered out... so have uploaded her favourite sleeping spot - curled up on her beanbag in front of said TV!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April Showers?

Gawd no, April snow more like!
Woke up Sunday morning to a wonderful whiteness... it had snowed and was still snowing! About two inches worth of the stuff and a wonderful powder!
Had to get a couple of pictures, so here they are to bore you with, and I was the first one on the pavement!
Have to say though, Miss Yo Yo was not impressed at all and did the move paw, shake, move paw, shake, dive back into the house I aint going back out there again until the what on earth is that all gone walk!

Friday, April 04, 2008

See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck?!

Well that's how the saying goes...
I walked past one yesterday on the ground, though did pick up to 2p I saw further on. Guess what, the penny I saw yesterday was still there! So of course I picked it up.
Not surprising though, as apparently £65million in 1p pieces has gone missing since they were introduced in 1971, of which an estimated £26million-worth are lost on streets!
It seems that those of us that live in the South West are more likely to pick them up, while three quarters of those in London don't!
Guess all I need to do now is make some kind of automatic penny finder that brings me home every 100,000 pennies and eventually I'll be a multi-millionaire!
Only trouble is getting the bank to bank it! Stupid bank wont take more than two bags of coins worth a maximum of £40.00 at once! Dang!