Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Touchy Feely!

Well what a most interesting experience! Eating in the dark, in a restaurant. Yes, that's right - eating & drinking in the dark! Not just dark, pitch black! The kind of hand in front of your face can't see it pitch black!!
One of the brands at work is doing a whole true character taste activation and kindly shouted us dinner at Dans le Noir to really experience taste (and of course with our wines too!). And what an interesting one it is I can tell you.
Firstly in the holding reception area you choose a menu: red (for meat eaters), green (for vegetable eaters), blue (for fish&seafood eaters) or white (for those that like a surprise)! Given my love of experiencing new foods (as long as I don't know in advance what it is always helps) I of course chose the white menu. Then as a group, one hand on the shoulder in front, we were lead by a blind waiter to our table! We all managed to sit down without banging or breaking anything and then the great experience began...
It really was rather unnerving to be sitting there in the pitch black, so a few giggles were had and the conversation was a bit stilted. We soon got into the spirit of it though and ended up all a bit touchy feely with each others hands, passing wine, pretty much I think down to the fact for a little reassurance and also that fact that you couldn't see anyone and perhaps loose a little work colleague inhibition with the conversation!
It was great fun figuring out what the wines were... we couldn't rely on our sight for any preconceived idea of what the wine tasted like (though a little checking out the bottle shape to guess it cheating did happen to go on - not by me though!).
We also ended up eating with the use of our fingers (neigh on impossible to do with the cutlery, especially when I lost my fork from the outset!) and it's weird trying to figure out what we were eating through taste, smell and even touch alone! It was also rather funny trying to pour a glass of wine too - used the good ole stick a finger and wait for the wine to hit to figure it out!
After all the fun of dinner, which I sat through with eyes wide open while some of the others had to have them shut, we yelled for our waiter to take us back to the main reception.
There they divulged what we had eaten after asking us what we thought we had.. and guess what, I had indulged in kangaroo and zebra!
Was well hilarious when in the office the next day one of the guys kept playing the opening theme of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo!


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