Monday, May 29, 2006

Men & Their Toys

For a start, best to just let them get on with their toy indulgence, besides it leaves you more time to play with yours! Though I am always astounded by how much they pay and how protective, (don't touch that) of their toys they are. Quite funny really considering they quite often refuse to pay more than 70p for a loaf of bread and are quite happy to pay £200 for a gadet that they end up selling on the 'e' site a month later, for a profit too!
Though at least men are upfront about how much they have spent on their indulgence whilst woman quite happily knock of about 30% (depending on value, this quite often increases to 50% or more... of course something that I have never done!) when asked.
And, I also have to say that men's toys are a heck of a lot more fun than women's, which are usually clothing / make-up / etc related.
I did get one of those remote controlled daleks for Christmas and I can tell you it is one of the best presents I've ever had, scared the heck outta Miss Yo Yo and amuses all that play with it... even better if it'd been the battle one, and had two of course, as that would mean hours of fun watching them 'exterminate' each other!
A dear to me gets the T3 magazine and they had the top 100 gadgets for men, or guilty pleasures as they called it. My favourite was The Gatling Gun at £400... shoots a hail of 144 rubber bands at the turn of a handle! Bet Miss Yo Yo would really freak out then!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

6:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

10:19 am  

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