Friday, May 26, 2006


Funny (haha) day at work today. Everyone seemed to be going on about Jim*, Sarah*, Lisa* and lots of other folks that I had not known were employees at work. That one said that about the other, this one did that and heavens above this one just walked right out! I thought there was some huge group session going on, gales of laughter, very loud discussions (almost involving fisticuffs, yet not thank goodness) and lots of "I think this" and "I think that" being said. Was it some new HR plan for everyone to bond? Gawd no it was that 'reality' tv programme that has recently started!
And I mean reality in the most loosest of terms. I mean how can a group of people, stuck in a small area, with cameras on them 24/7, (and let's not mention the limited wardrobe!) actually be classed as reality? How can selective showing of what's going on (though they say not), choosing people with incompatible and compatible personalities, and from the sounds of it, people with serious life issues, actually be classed as reality tv watching! Gimme a break!! And, give me Sir David Attenborough anyday! How more real can you get knowing that the five second footage you just saw of a 100 metre high pile of guano, covered in cockroaches and decomposing bats, took over ten days to film!
* Not they're real names, as you no doubt can tell, I don't really give two hoots!


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