Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Daytime TV

Well it's day two of being ill at home, and suffering through the indignity of daytime tv! Yes, indignity... chat shows, 100 year old repeats, years out of date soapies and those let's make cash from your antiques (crap) programmes!
Do the programmers think that people at home during the day are not intelligent, do not need their brains stimulated or is it that it's a ploy between them and the Government to get everyone out of the house!
Conspiracies aside it's a great way to catch up on all the DVD's I have not yet watched, plus indulge in a few favourites again. As well as watch the odd what the heck was I thinking when I bought that one DVDs.
Plus of course Miss Yo Yo thinks it's fantastic because I can get up and down every five minutes to pander to her in and out's! Perhaps I should duct tape her to her bean bag... now there's a thought!


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