Friday, September 29, 2006

Sat Nav Lottery

Woo! Wonderful things of technology these satellite navigation wotsits! Spent the last week being sent all over, well 800+ kilometers of it, the South East of England.
Whizzing down roads, with huge hedges/walls either side of a 2.23 meter gap that the car just made it down.. will there or wont there be a car coming the other direction?
Across moors, encountering wild ponies, saw my first real life badgers and pheasants (really dumb birds that just flap all silly like in the middle of the road) and discovered 600 year old trees and houses!
Sure parameters could have been made to the system so that only main roads could be driven, what would the fun in that be, and many unforgettable sights would not have been had!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dressing Up!

Being your atypical sneaker, jeans, and t-shirt wearer here it's always a surprise at how well I brush up as a lady if I put my mind to it!
Went to dinner with some friends and us ladies were told in no undertain terms that we had to make an effort, effort being that we were to wear our corsets! All fine and dandy for the gentlemen as they rocked up in jeans and shirts, cheeky sods!!
So there we were, hair done, touch of the war paint, corsets (heaving bosoms and all, as we're not eactly the A cup types), satin trousers and four inch heels. Only trouble was that when one is laced up one can not indulge oneself in as much of the food as one usually does. Eating like a bird comes to mind!
Ah well, at least it meant that I chewed more to savour the small amount I'd be able to eat and heck, if I take to wearing one all the time I will be svelte and hour glassed shaped in no time! Heck a corset does that anyways, just pushes it all up over the top!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


.... drive me nuts!
Here you are doing your 'London pace' and the person who was off to your right, or left, or even not in line of sight, suddenly decides to meander in front of you at 10% of the speed that you're going!
I've got the walk through crowds, not bumping into people, in a Morpheus type way. Have even been known to mislay anyone with me as they can't play human dodgems! So when some snail paced person suddenly decides to cross my path, infact streamline into it in front of me you could say I get a little peeved.
Are these people subconsciously wanting me to check out their walk, their butts, lines of their back, width of their shoulders, checking for dandruff and / or a bald spot or do they know that by pulling out in front of me I'm just going to sigh, out flank them and zoom off into the distance like speedy gonzalas!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Adrenaline Junkie!

Took a days holiday, well it was in March when I last had a real work break, and headed off to Thorpe Park for a packed day of adrenaline shots!
First ride of the day was Stealth: travels to the height of 205ft on a ride that accelerates from 0-80mph in 2.3 seconds! All I can say is awesome, and giggle at Mr S who went round it with his eyes shut and refused to join me for a second run! The adrenaline rush from it was incredible and I was sure nothing could compete...
Not colossus, the world's first roller coaster with ten inversions and four heartline twists in a row, woo!
Neither Detonator, a gravity defying drop ride that winches riders 100ft in the air before firing them back to earth at 75km per hour with a G-Force of 5.5, the most G’s the body can take apparently!
Nor Nemesis Inferno, an inverted roller coaster, twisting and turning (just as well I hadn't eaten before that one!)
Even Slammer, where you're taken soaring 105 feet towards the sky, then flipped over to be slam-dunked towards the ground in a 30mph “free fall” and then swooped skywards again through 360 degrees did not quite compare!
Then we came to Rush, currently the world's biggest swing, all I can say it that I finally found a ride that made me nearly shut my eyes, wondering when it was going to stop and shaking like a leaf when I got off! The most simplest of things, a swing, finally got the better of this adrenaline junkie!

PS: added some pics of the rides, cool bananas eh?!
They're Slammer, Rush, Colossus and Detonator

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bizzare World...

... that we live in.
Firstly they've removed a harmless growth from a goldfish in a Scottish museum as it was considered ugly, taking one of it's eyes in the process. Paid for from using coins thrown into the fish pond at the museum, ironic or what.
Then they're using dummy plastic eggs in herring and lesser black backed gulls nests to reduce their numbers in cities.
Also, they're using the hard shoulder on motorways to ease congestion... what happens if there's an accident or you break down in it?
And finally, well for this piece of gibberish, otters are apparently beating up American mink in the UK resulting in water voles making a comback, go otters!
Thought I'd add a picture of an otter... awwww

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Satin Shine

What's with people's fascination with satin? Is it the look of it, feel of it, the knowledge of what must be lying beneath? Or is it at a more basic level of the oooh, shiny magpie thing?
Wore a satin shirt to this work for the first time... kinda forties style, with the long cuff, shaped waist and dark green... and nearly every person had to stroke my satin clad arm!
Didn't mind at all, kinda cool to be told how lovely I looked in it, yes I am a sucker for flattery, well most the time. Though it did start to get a little freaky when we went out later and one of the ladies stroked my hair and said how it matched my shirt in satiness. Had to quickly put at stop at that one as there was no way I was going to be stroked like a cat, that's Miss Yo Yo's job!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Little Yappy Things...

... funniest thing I've seen in a long time today.
Everyone's heard of the proverbial dog chasing the car - well today I saw a tiny little dog, smaller than Miss Yo Yo, going for the train as it came into the station.
If the owner hadn't of had the little yapping it's head off furry ball securely leashed, I'm sure it would have bought the train down, stood on top and panted happily "look what I caught"!