Wednesday, September 20, 2006


.... drive me nuts!
Here you are doing your 'London pace' and the person who was off to your right, or left, or even not in line of sight, suddenly decides to meander in front of you at 10% of the speed that you're going!
I've got the walk through crowds, not bumping into people, in a Morpheus type way. Have even been known to mislay anyone with me as they can't play human dodgems! So when some snail paced person suddenly decides to cross my path, infact streamline into it in front of me you could say I get a little peeved.
Are these people subconsciously wanting me to check out their walk, their butts, lines of their back, width of their shoulders, checking for dandruff and / or a bald spot or do they know that by pulling out in front of me I'm just going to sigh, out flank them and zoom off into the distance like speedy gonzalas!


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