Sunday, August 27, 2006

Reflexologist in the Family!

Turns out that Miss Yo Yo has been taking secret reflexology lessons and has now decided to try it on me!
In the middle of a long bank holiday weekend and thought I'd have a bit of a lay in before facing the world. Do you think I was allowed to? Do you think that becuase it's the weekend and I'm not up at the usual 07:00 that I can have a little extra sleep time? No!
First is was placing the front paws on my arm, leaning into it, giving that dead arm effect... well I just moved the offending limb under the covers and that dealt with that! Then she tried the old front paws near the top of the thigh leaning into that, the pressure steadily getting more and more painful. So rolled over to avoid that one!
Miss Yo Yo then tried the get under the covers, sit on the stomach whilst leaning onto the chest & I would have to say she scored a bulls eye, or is that eyes, on that one!
Now if I can only get her walk up and down my back, I think we can come to a happy medium!


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