Sunday, August 13, 2006


Lunched and theatre matineed with some ladies from work yesterday, and an ex-workmate. Always a great surprise, and absolute delight, when I do this. The conversation flowed over delicious food and good wine and only about 5% of the conversation was about work!
The matinee was brilliant... we went to see Avenue Q. If you've not been to see this yet, or even heard of it, it's about a bunch of people / puppets living on a street very much like Sesame Street, and singing about life... that everyone's a little bit raciest, the internet is for porn and have hardcore puppet sex on stage. Everyone seemed to walk out with a smile on their face and talking about it excitedly. If you're one of those folks that like something a bit off field then I'd say go!
A few of us then carried on for some more beverages and conversation... so much better than heading home, slouching in front of the tv with a dvd and eating junk food!


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