Tuesday, July 18, 2006

PC Brigade - ArrggghhHH!

Not only do they re-write the Noddy books (Noddy can't sleep over at Big Ears' or feel a little gay, nor are there any charcters called Golliwog or Policeman Plod anymore), ban you from filming your child in a school play, and arrest you if the photoshop develops naked pictures of kids, that you're kid has taken, they're now banning school sports due to the stress that it causes children!
Good Grief!
Children are growing up without making mud pies, and eating them (your clothes will get dirty and you may die from eating a worm), buying homemade fudge at the school fair (oh we don't know how clean your kitchen is and the whole school could die), going on school trips such as skiing, hiking, the museum and the zoo (the lion may escape and eat the city!) resulting in molly coddled, me me me, I am wonderfu,l reality doesn't bite, humans!
Heck life has it's stresses, from little oh what toothpaste shall I buy this time to my grandfather's died, I got grass stains on my new jeans to the cat got run over by a car. You take them as they come, deal with them, get over it and carry on.
If you're protected from these when a child, when you're supposedly at your most adaptable and able to learn the most, how on earth are you going to cope when an adult, at your most stubborn and stuck in the rut!!
PC Brigade types, get a life of your own and don't inhibit everyone elses!


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