Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oh My...

... never thought I'd say it, I've actually been ice creamed out! No Way, all of you that know me well say, Miss T ice creamed out, the sky must now fall, the apocolypse must start and chocolate is the new diet!
Just spent the afternoon, with Miss S, at Ben & Jerry's Sundae in the Park, and I must say "woo woo wooey woo!" Wasn't sure what to expect, I mean what can you of an ice cream brand festival?! An interesting mix of music, from The Pipettes (don't ask) to Badly Drawn Boy, a Helter Skelter, food stalls offering Indian, to Caribbean and even burgers!
And, of course the stars of the show, Ben & Jerry's ice cream... we managed four (Carmel Chew Chew™, Cherry Garcia®, Chocolate Therapy and Berry N'ice™) before we had to have some food to soak up the ice cream! Miss S and I then indulged in some people watching, quite an eclectic mix, and listening to the music, nice and chilled, before we started on the next ice cream round (Chunky Monkey® and Dublin Mudslide™).
We then came to the realisation that no more ice cream could be consumed, yes that's right NO MORE ice cream could be put in our mouths, savoured, swallowed and added to the concoction rolling round in our stomachs!
Amazing don't you think that me, yes me, could not eat any more! Just all well considering the sugar rushed conversation we had back to the tube! And all I can say is what incredible value for a fiver! Bring on next year, though I may need to practice in advance this time!

Friday, July 28, 2006


... not mine though, for Miss Yo Yo. How quickly a year rolls round, doesn't seem that long ago I was struggling down the road with her in her huge box (never downsized it once Juno went), getting her jabs, stomach squished and thermometer stuck where one really shouldn't be stuck!
Meowed all the way in her MEOW tone, the one saying "you stuffed me in a box woman and when I get out of it you're so gonna get a telling off, you aint heard nothing yet!" I'm sure the people walking past thought I was torturing her somehow!
Once we arrived and checked in, Miss Yo Yo and another box stuffed with cat had a meow, meow, meow, meow, MEOW, MEOW chat, ooh the language! Just as well that I can't understand cat completely or I'm sure I would have been blushing!
Well suffice to say, after the usual prodding, squishing, shoving and item where she wasn't enthused yet still purred about, and jabbed with a needle, she's all okay! Always good to know as she is a bit stiff in her back legs (only 5!) and as her half brother died of cancer, there's always the thought that she may not be.
Vet says she is absolutely beautiful and they had a lovely "meow", "oh yes", "meow", "really", conversation going while Miss Yo Yo decided to shed half her fur all over the table! At least that's done for another year, though I think it's worming time, for all of us!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Monsoon England!

Yes, you read it right, monsoon... M O N S O O N!
Absolutely sheeting down, literally! As well as thundering and lightening!!
Was an interesting jog to the train station, though thankfully Mr N was kind enough to stop and take me the 4 minute drive (10 minute walk) the rest of the way. I was soaked, I'm sure I left a puddle on his nice leather seats, and managed to steam up both my glasses and his windows! Oooers I hear you say, unfortunately/fortunately it was just the steam!
Got to Woking station and it's coming through the roof, flowing out over the guttering (not down it!) and welling up out the drains on the platform - these are at least 2 metres (6'5" to those emperical types) above the ground! Soaked people debating whether to brave more torrents or wait it out, heck I was wet anyways so dashed for home. Of course the umbrella blew inside out and decided it's had enough and snapped two arms, and in the rubbish it went.
For a while dodged the puddles, then figured out what for as I was already carrying around two miniature swimming pools in my sneakers (discovered lovely water wrinkled toes when I made it home!). Though I did manage to avoid the 'river' that was the road heading down hill - running amazingly fast and not even making it into the drains!
Mind you with everyone round here concreting off their front gardens to make driveways (or to make life easier because they can't be bothered to do a bit of gardening!), I'm surprised that the town isn't floating away!
At least it's washing away all the dirt, leaves, etc etc that has built up, will flush the sewer system, and clean all those good people's cars that haven't been able to because of the drought - in fact it looks pretty much like we've been washed and scrubbed clean!
Just hope it's not too badly flooded at the station, or I may not be able to get to work tomorrow, awww what a shame that'd be!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


They're free and brighten everyone's day, well it certainly did mine!
It wasn't one of those "hey cutie" or "sexy lady" or "wanna go on a date" type of lines, it's was "what a lovely smile you have and I do so like a smiling customer". Now you're probably thinking, a-ha, a car salesman, one of those charity sellers on the street, or the commissioned paid dress shop types - well no, in fact it was the guy on checkouts at a Sainsbury's! That's a supermarket chain to all those non-UK folks, and I must say rather surprising and flattering!
Guess it must be down to all those fluoride tablets mother made me crunch on as a child, or perhaps all the junk food I missed out on too (mother is a fabulous baker and beats the pants off any manufactured biscuits, slices or cakes), or even the £1,200 the parents spent on orthodontal work I had as a teenager (and the subsequent two and a half years wearing the blimmin tracks!), or maybe it's just me, nice me and that fact that a smile shared is many gained, they're contagious you know... just try it, a smile will not crack your face, unless wearing one of those mud pack thingy wotsits!
Besides a smile only uses 17 muscles whilst a frown 43, so unless you on a face diet, smile!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Cool Bananas!

What else can I say, life is good.. heading along at it's usual pace for a change. No visitors from overseas, no big concerts to go to, nor any big 'dramas'! I'm my usual healthy self, cept for my every morning allergy to getting up (as those that have ever had me stay / stayed with me know... ATCHOO times ten).
Even Miss Yo Yo has been more calm, though I think that's probably due to the heat, so she just wants to flop on the cool floor!
Though Mr S and I did venture out on the weekend for dinner and a movie! Pirates of the Caribbean II it was, and even though I'd worked out the twist at the end when they first visited the 'witch', it was good! Bring on III!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

PC Brigade - ArrggghhHH!

Not only do they re-write the Noddy books (Noddy can't sleep over at Big Ears' or feel a little gay, nor are there any charcters called Golliwog or Policeman Plod anymore), ban you from filming your child in a school play, and arrest you if the photoshop develops naked pictures of kids, that you're kid has taken, they're now banning school sports due to the stress that it causes children!
Good Grief!
Children are growing up without making mud pies, and eating them (your clothes will get dirty and you may die from eating a worm), buying homemade fudge at the school fair (oh we don't know how clean your kitchen is and the whole school could die), going on school trips such as skiing, hiking, the museum and the zoo (the lion may escape and eat the city!) resulting in molly coddled, me me me, I am wonderfu,l reality doesn't bite, humans!
Heck life has it's stresses, from little oh what toothpaste shall I buy this time to my grandfather's died, I got grass stains on my new jeans to the cat got run over by a car. You take them as they come, deal with them, get over it and carry on.
If you're protected from these when a child, when you're supposedly at your most adaptable and able to learn the most, how on earth are you going to cope when an adult, at your most stubborn and stuck in the rut!!
PC Brigade types, get a life of your own and don't inhibit everyone elses!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fight with the Scissors & the Scissors Won!

Well I did go to the hairdressers and I did ask the lady to cut it! Must say that she did a pretty durn good job! They were busy so she even washed my hair and performed the most relaxing head massage I've had a in long time! Could have stayed at the basins having that done all day.
Now I just need to colour it, well with eight centimetres of regrowth, and white hairs showing, it's time to even it out... aphrodite blonde I think this time.
I do so enjoy going to Hair by Fairy though, well I must do as I've been going there for seven years, as the artwork on the walls is fabulous, the guy on the door knows me by name and I always get a great cut (except for that one time, dodgy short haired atypical lesbian one - well I did ask for it short!). Only one thing can be annoying though, and that is you can't make an appointment so if you turn up any later that 1pm on a Saturday, you'll need to indulge in some Covent Garden touring for an hour at least!

It is good to be a woman...

1. We got off the Titanic first.

2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynaecological disorder excuses.

3 Taxis stop for us.

4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo.

6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.

7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

8. We can congratulate our team-mate without ever touching her rear end.

9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.

10. We have the ability to dress ourselves.

11. We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked

12. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot.

13. We will never regret piercing our ears

14. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.

15. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway.

Love this one, had a few times now so thought I'd post it for everyone to see... can't wait for the men's response in kind!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Birds do it, Bees do it, Even educated Fleas do it...

... and from the looks of it, not only are my friends doing it, they're all either pregnant or pushed out a baby! Even friends of friends are in the baby way!
Perhaps it's the age we're at, 30+ for the majority, and the hormones have taken over! Though with the majority of the couples it's been planned, though in a couple of instances in six months time, not now now!
Funny though, that not a single couple is married and all very happy that way, cept for Miss M and Mr S who will be doing the deed in South Africa next year... congrats you two and can't wait to share in your day!
It's all wonderful though, lovely to see them passing on their genes, confirming their love for each other in the baby way, and it's brilliant to be able to hand the poopy bottom, screaming, up-chucking little person back!
All I can say is good on you all, at least I don't need to worry about the human race continuing, heck I forget to feed a meowing at the top of her lungs, pacing, occasional whacking Miss Yo Yo, let alone a baby!

PS: the above georgeous two are my nephews Jack and Campbell, and after reading Thomas the Tank enginge gawd knows how many times I was very happy to pass them back!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside... fact I love to be beside the seaside! Went down to Brighton to catch up with Miss L, as well as check out the Lanes (shopping!), and make the usual stroll along the seafront... though this time forgot the hot chips and ice cream! Probably due to the overwhelming numbers of people there!
Always amazing how in the summer Brighton is a packed out town, usually hard to find a table at the pub (this time we were very lucky, though I think that's due to that fact that either side was boxed in by little humans in prams!), and nigh on impossible to find a park that wont get you ticketed - about 15 minutes driving round and discussing the best spot.
Ever since the first time I went to Brighton I've loved the place. I even like walking along the pier, looking at all the dodgy rides, tourist crap and occasionally buying some Brighton rock (wondering on earth why when I find it in a draw seven months later still looking as fresh the day I bought it!). The wide diversity of people there is incredible and I can people watch for hours.. even more so when something like the streets of Brighton is being held and the Lanes are filled with men dressed as angels on roller blades, women dressed as birds doing acrobatics on suspended hoops and all sorts of different bands playing.
Though I would have to say I love Brighton even more in the winter, cold, wet, windy, munching on hot chips, wondering along the seafront and hardly another soul in sight! Pure Bliss!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

We all have to Die of Something...

... usually not being able to breathe does it! Amazing what you can put the human body through - broken bones, amputations, burns and yet lack of breathing will kill you everytime.
Anyways, why this talk of dying you're thinking? Well if not, oh well you will be now! Had the cafeteria lady at work make a comment re my chocolate habits (and those of you that know me well know that when it comes to chocolate I'm there! Unless of course it has raisins/sultanas or hazlenut praline in it, then you can dang well eat the stuff yourself!), yes it was 14:50, and yes I was yet indulging in a kit kat®, yes, everyday workday 14:50 buy a kit kat®. Guess you can just call me a creature of chocolate habit.
To continue, she didn't really have to make the comment that at least I was getting a regular walk everyday, not even a wink or smile on her face, deadpan serious, the cheeky minx!
My thinking is that we're a short time on this earth so why deprive ourselves of life's pleasures. Sure I'm not going to the gym, running round a park, sweating like a pig and hurting like hell with aches and pains and thinking gawd have to exercise, and I can honestly say that I'm very happy for it. In fact I've been told that I look 4-5 years younger than I am, woo!
I'm very happy with the way I am, and so is Mr S (who infact starts to freak a little if there's any sign of breast reduction!).
About the only thing I really have issue with is that I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe (fantastic bras are expensive!). Heck, I don't think I even have issue with that, I like new clothes, get so bored wearing the same things all the time.
So what if I have a weakness for chocolate, wine, pastries, cakes, biscuits, crisps, chips, dips, ice cream (er better stop there), I still have 5+ fruit& veges, drink about 2 litres of water, walk 40 mins at day and get regular non repeatable my mother reads this exercise!
I'm here to enjoy my life, you only get to live it once (even if there is reincarnation you never can remember it!), and why on earth would I want to live two months longer at the end of my life when I very well may be incontinent, drooling, bed ridden - stuck with a body that the mind has no control over!
Think it's time for a bowl of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food! (for those of you that'd don't know what that is it's chocolate ice cream with marshmallow, caramel swirls and fish shaped chocolaty chunks, mmMMMmm)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Train Pests

Not talking here about mice, rats, mosquitoes or blowflies, I'm talking about those people that travel the trains under the impression that there is no one else travelling on it except them!
Managed to nab myself one of those quiet please (no mobiles, no talking loudly, no music out of the earphones) type carriages on the train - great for really losing yourself in a good book, and which I had. Next thing you know some loud mouthed chavette gets on, speaking at the top of her voice (these people don't know how to talk normally, ever), sits down not two metres from the next carriage and then gets all narky, sarcastic and snitty when she is politely informed that it's a quiet carriage. So what does this chavette do.. well for one she doesn't walk the two metres into the next carriage where you can make noise, and the following eight carriages thereafter, she takes her chavette self off down the carriage the other way ranting and raving on her phone about rude people, the government and conspiracy! Good grief!
Well at least she didn't sit herself next to me, spread her legs wide, flick open a broadsheet and call the wife to say that they were on the usual and be in at the usual!

PS: for those of you who don't know, a chavette (according to the urban dictionary) will have at least 5 of the following characteristics; gold hoop earrings big enough for a parrot to sit on; pink/blue velour tracksuit; white trainers/stilettos; burbery anything; fag in hand; "Croydon Facelift" caused by pulling her hair into a ponytail so tightly that it stretches her face; caked on makeup; sullen look; upraised middle finger; low slung jeans; pushchair and baby.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hot Cat

Poor Miss Yo Yo. Hit 30+ degrees today (that's 86+ for the Fahrenheit readers), blue sky, no clouds and a hot breeze. So the combination of Miss Yo Yo being pure black and wanting to be outside was definitely not a good one! And as we all know, black attracts the sunlight (though those woman that use those black umbrellas to keep the sun off their kids in a pram obviously don't - feel like saying to them are you trying to broil the kid?! White reflects ya dumb mother!).
Unfortunately Miss Yo Yo is not aware of the fact that the weather is out of my control, so all day it was one pathectically looking hot cat meowing at me saying turn the heat down! Tis a shame that she isn't fond of a cold water and ice bath, though she does like the warm bubble bath version.
She did try though, sprawled across the wooden floor in front of the fan, or the carpet at the top of the stairs where the breeze was coming up - nothing seemed to work though. Silly cat even kept trying to sit on my lap!
At least she's not an all white cat though - they need sunscreen or will end up with cancer and having to have their nose of ears cut off!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Those OMG Look at That...

... and how much it cost shows! Went to the House and Garden Fair today. Probably a good day to choose with you know who playing with you know them and the round ball that looks like a basketball yet isn't - it's for playing with your feet! (The England / Portugal World Cup game if you hadn't guess & yes, I had to ask someone myself who were playing!)
This meant that there weren't the usual thousands of people there, just hundreds, and unfortunately meant that instead of being swept past the company's stand and thinking ooh wow, you managed to get a good clear five minute look. And I must say that with some of them I'd rather wished I hadn't.
All those dodgy female fripperies that remind you of some elaborate three hour hollywood musical based in Elizabethan times! This show is definitely aimed at your middle class female type aged between 40 and 100, with very dubious taste!
Oh they did have a couple of male specific things - sausage or meat pattie burgers!
And I'm pleased to say that I only managed to spend a fiver on some rare breed organic sausages, guess what I'm having for dinner!