Saturday, October 30, 2010

Little Wind Ups...

... lead to wanting to scream at the topping them all off little wind up!

It ends with being the next in line person who wants bacon on a Friday morning and they run out with the person in front of you!

Though starts with being pushed in front of to get on a train that is empty when it arrives in the station by a woman who then proceeds to put her entire face on in the train on the seat opposite you, GROSS. Then when you take your second train there are feet on the seat to where you want to sit, so find an alternate seat... I sure as heck ain't sitting where their shoes have been walking on pavements that animals have pissed / pooped on, humans thrown up / spat / crapped / pissed on are resting on, cause I'm pretty damn sure hover shoes are not readily for sale yet and their shoes are in pristine condition! And when I finally get to my stop can not get off the train as some dick wad is standing in front of the door and I can't get off without standing on said stupid dick wad, so guess what, I stand on him and he's the one to get upset, well tough biscuits dick wad... move... out... the way... you'll find you get on the train faster if you let people off first and you'll also find, dick wad, that you don't get stepped on!

Middle of the day goes reasonably well.... bacon sandwich finally obtained, coffee consumed... though having to cart 80 cases of wine up the lift on onto our floor was rather irritating as the whole point of having our courier collect it, as opposed to the originating company deliver it, was that they would take directly to the ground floor stock room. Turns out that the pallet was made too high and this could not be done so have to cart it around! Going out that night, wool jersey, sweaty, oh yes, just fabulous, NOT! Rather miffed and will deal with next week... just not the motivation to cart them back down to the ground floor on the other side of the building, damn couriers eh!

Then it's a lovely trip up to London... at least a seat was obtained on the train, and well funny to watch those put their bag on the seat types so no one will sit next to me have to move their bags as this train is the kind where it's virtually stand all the way if you don't get a seat at the station after the one I get on at, well at that time of the evening... serves you right, not like you bought a ticket for your bag as well as you, if you bought a ticket at all! Lots of folks on that line try and get away with no ticket as a lot of the station don't have barriers in yet, oh how I laugh to myself when they get caught, and some of the excuses they come up with, hilarious! "Please don't give me a £10 fine, I need that to buy a new liver as the Aliens removed it." And as usual I always forget how busy London is... especially if you're walking against the flow... come on people if you are on a mobile or other such i-dick device at least look where you are walking before you are a centimetre away from me (I just love waiting for them to remember that yes, there are other people than them and their i-dick device in this world and they should really look where they am going look on their face) when the realise I am there. Mind you, considering the volume they play them at I am seriously looking at shares in hearing aids cause in about ten years time there are going to be a lot of deaf people out there.. heck if I can hear your music, you must be playing that LOUD!

At least to make the day end a lovely one I had a most wonderful dinner and drinks with Miss S, scrumdiddlyumptious!