And I thought I Liked to Eat Strange Things!

Well it's been a while since there was a Miss Yo Yo update, so thought I'd kick it off with her latest "I'm gonna rip it outta your fingers and eat it" food item. They were Mini Cheddars!
Well I shouldn't be surprised really considering she goes nuts over twisties, burger rings, cheezels (yes you can get these in the UK though for the most exorbitant price imaginable!), and they are fairly similar in cheesiness!
Though apparently it's all possibly down to her being an oriental. Though I'm hoping it's not pica! That would not be a good thing at all.
Miss Yo Yo has a thing for mushroom soup, ice cream, cheese, pringles, crispy duck, fish from the fish'n'chip shop and I'm sure many as yet not discovered food items. As of course her usual cat biscuits and wet food!
With it also now being lighter earlier and also warmer, Miss Yo Yo has started her in / out, in / out thing! It's not too bad if during the day and warm, though if night at time it's a right pain. Not only is it still cold out, you get all the newly emerging bugs coming in! Mind you, at least Miss Yo Yo will go after them and try and eat them! She sure hates those blowflies! And they do seem to make a satisfying crunch!
It's hard to believe that she's now eight (though could be seven - I can never rightly remember) and the vet is wanting her to have a MOT every six months now, as opposed to a year, as she is considered middle aged! Crikey! Not sure how that managed to happen that's for sure. Doesn't seem that long ago her and Mungus were first experiencing their first time outdoors - plus they also looked like little bats! Bless. Some of you readers may not have seen / met Mungus, bless his little "run up three flights of stairs into the dresser shake my head like a looney tune and do it again" little heart, so I've included a picture of him. He's the one at the front, and the one that the guys in the house named Mongrel! Mind you, that's probably better than his cattery name of Sharau Black as Night! And we're not going to mention Miss Yo Yo's cattery name, no not at all! Well not if I want to sleep past 7am without being dived bomebed from the window (I'm sure she can read!)!
For those who don't know what mini cheddars are:
For Pica info:
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