Thursday, January 01, 2009

Cowboy, Juggler, Burlesque...

Turbans, Maracas and eclectic clothes!
What a wonderful birthday celebration it was with Miss S at Gypsy Hotel in Stoke Newington! Wasn't sure what to expect, as is the case with any venture to a new venue. I have to say it was a good choice!
The evening started off with a cowboy and his guitar and piano, then a rather unusual juggler who stripped off an item of clothing every time he dropped something (luckily he didn't drop too many!). We then had Lady Flo from France doing some burlesque along to some Elvis tunes, and singing them too (though only peeled off her gloves!), a rather rocking group from just down the road called Walking Wounded, who also did a bit of Arabic and Ska style music - accordions to guitars and they were pretty good. Then it was onto a rather surreal couple from behind the iron curtain.. still trying to figure out if I liked them or not, and heading towards the like.
The evening finished on a blues band from Southern USA called Little Victor.. lady in a red dress on the maracas and the lead singer in a turban! They were pretty good and had us foot tapping for sure.
What a wonderful evening, as too I hope Miss S had, considering it was her birthday and all!

Walking Wounded:
Mikelangelo & Undine Francesca:
Little Victor:
Gypsy Hotel:


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