Sunday, August 24, 2008

Miss Biggles!

Well, a back seat Miss Biggles that is!

What a fabulous Saturday was had! Headed of to Denham Aeordrome (what a long history it has too!) to meet up with the wonderful pilot that is Mr K. Mr D, Mr S and I put ourselves into the capable flying hands of Mr K, stepped into a four seater plane and headed off to Bembridge airport on the Isle of Wight.

Travelling at 2,200 feet (about 800 feet under the fluffy clouds) was awesome. England from the air is just incredible! It's amazing to see how the land has been divided up, the number of swimming pools there actually are in here and seeing stately homes from the air - especially their fancy gardens (one even had a helter skelter).

As it's harvest time here, it was cool seeing those great big harvesters making hay and the tracks that were made. Reading festival is also on so we saw the big music tents, as well as all the thousands the people who were staying in little ones, and the huge car parks.. couldn't hear any music of course as had headphones on, not only to block out some of the engine noise but to hear each other, and the traffic controllers as well! It was interesting hearing the traffic controllers.. some sounded really bored whilst others had a sense of humour.. "can you hear me?".. "yes, unfortunately I can." was one piece of conversation, hehe!

Nearly at Bembridge, flying over Portsmouth with the world's oldest dry dock, 165 metre high Spinnaker Tower, then the sea forts we decided to circle round twice before landing a third time (well Mr K managed to be flying a little too high for a landing, though we're not going to mention that!). It was then into the great facilities there for one of the best cheese, ham and pineapple toasties I've had in a very long time!

After revitalising ourselves it was back into the plane and flying back to Denham. Once again it was over the great landscape of southern England (though at 2,400 feet this time), and with a tail wind we made it back in nearly half the time!

It was really interesting finding out about all the no-go fly zones, who can fly where and in what, as well as different types of planes and engines, and what it takes to be a pilot! And I can safely say that wont be me! HEck, I don't even know how to drive a car!

Awesome! And thanks again to Mr K!


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