Saturday, February 24, 2007

Spring Clean!

Well the crocus and daffodils are up so thought that as I had Friday off for the doctors I'd do a little spring cleaning!
It's amazing how much stuff there is in this little house. Some of it like mugs, plates and glasses I kept. I'm always breaking those so it's good to have a stash. Whilst the tens of bottle openers, alcohol branded items and champagne stoppers I could never really use, and all my friends have been given enough to last them decades!
Also managed to clear out the dubious items I've received over the last two years, someone else is bound to want them... one person's rubbish is another person's treasure I think the saying is.
Decided to also have a look through the clothes... quite scarey to see all the clothes I haven't worn in years. A couple of little belts, er miniskirts, revealing tops, and some hideous shoes buried at the back of the cupboard I'd forgotten about. Also managed to find a few items that were bought and never worn! What is with that? Why did I think at the time ooh I love this and then proceed never to wear it - a black sixties style white polka dot bikini, light purple satin skirt shot through with burgundy and a camisloe and knickers set in dark red and black lace - all never been worn!
I guess I could have done the ebay thing, though I'd rather give it all to the charity shop and the happy expression on the assitant's face when I bought it all in was wonderful!


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