Thursday, January 18, 2007


Came home tonight, one house on the street had all it's side fences flattened, the fence beside the car parking was flattened, and yes low and behold the fence that hadn't been blown over the last time in the back garden was flattened! This time though the wind managed to get the waterproof roofing on the shed, gawd knows where on earth that's blown to, Timbucktoo?!
All I can say is good grief and it really sucks. I manage to save up a bit of money to splurge for the South African trip and this happens. Looks like it's going to be budget back packing style, no safaris, no fancy restaurants or hotels! Was even hoping for some cash towards the blitzing of the horror of a bathroom.
Now looks like I'm going to be stuck even longer with that icky blue carpet, lime green walls, moulded tile grouting and salmon coloured suite - big cow dung pile!!


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