Thursday, January 04, 2007

A New Year...

A rather warm, windy and ill one at that!
Thank goodness the new fence is up and holding well. It's always good to know that a job's been well done and in this case it has - it's getting quite a battering from the high winds we've been having lately!
At the moment we're having balmy 8 - 10 degree celcius (46.4 - 50 degrees Fahrenheit), when we should be freezing our noses whilst wrapped in millions of layers! Means that my silly bulbs are getting all confused and coming up already! Silly, silly bulbs indeed. There's meant to be a cold spell (for all of a week) next week and they'll get all frosted and die. Apparently weird things like that are happening all over though - hedgehogs aren't in hibernation, birds nesting and flowers blooming & they say England is cold and wet!
So apart from being bought down with a severe cold New Years day (after a see in to 2007 with a home fireworks display and a rocket not wanting to leave the ground and going off - it's on the year's off to an okay start.
Rearing to get swimming, though no can do when the mucas is a flowing, bleh!


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