Sunday, March 09, 2008

Vibrating Chest, Cottonball Ears and Sticky Feet!

What a wonderful evening! Meet up with Miss S for a scrummy pre-concert dinner at Satay Bar in Brixton. Delicious cocktails (gotta love happy hour!), scrummy food and great conversation.
Then it was off to The Goose pub (the usual meeting point for those heading to Brixton Academy) to meet up with everyone else. It was packed and the fridges virtually empty! At least there were no queues to the bathrooms though!
Then it was onto the evening's main event... see my first ever Levellers concert, woo!
We caught the arse end of Alabama 3 (literally - I can take this band or leave it and was in a leave it mood), then Dreadzone came on, wicked! Had everyone bouncing round, clapping and waving their arms in the air and I even recognised one of their songs!
After they'd finished and the usual roadies doing their thing it was onto the main attraction.. what a way to start... the fiddler standing on the speakers playing madly, then the bass vibrating your chest, lights flashing, awesome! Once again, only recognising one of the songs they still managed to keep me foot tapping and bouncing the night away, well wicked!
Can't wait until the next one, yeah!


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