Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Barmy England!

The mentally irregular kind not the mild and pleasant one!
Some Yorkshire fish and chip shop owner is being investigated as someone laid a complaint that his shop smelled of fish and chips!!!
What's the guy got to do, hire people to stand outside with air fresheners so that there is a smell of lavendar or oranges & lemons??
Not only is that stupid, parents are starting to take legal action against schools not being able to combat bullying and it's looking like the parents are going to also hold them responsible for obesity, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancies, drug taking and drinking!
Good grief, they're parents, that's their responsibility. Teachers are there to educate not be a parent! When are people going to take ownership of their own actions and not push it onto others?!
Next they'll be blaming schools for their kids not know howing to eat with a knife or fork and for thinking that milk comes from a plastic container!


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