Monday, June 19, 2006


Been here in England for nearly nine years now and I still can't understand a 'natives' attitude towards rubbish. I was bought up on being a tidy kiwi, whilst I'm sure the English are bought up on being a litter bug!
Perhaps it's down to having street cleaners twenty-four seven, though personally I think it's a general lack of respect that they have for everything around them (it's not where I'm at so why should I care attitude!). Major top of the list annoyance are those that just drop their cigarette butts whever they dang well please (they're made of fiberglass and they will not decompose!), even out the windows of their cars, pity the poor cyclist who gets it in their face! Then it'd have to be chewing gum.. let alone chewing with their mouths half open, like a cow chewing cud, they then drop it all over the pavements, stick it under tables or even worse to the seat that you've just sat on and it's now a permanent addition to your jeans!
After that it's the well I can't see a rubbish bin closer than an arms drop away so I'm just going to leave all my non-wanted chip packets, takeway containers, newspapers, tissues etc etc right here! A great addition to the parks, street and garden fronts for sure, not!
Case in point the Fat Boy Slim concert in Brighton a couple of years ago. The resulting rubbish was an absolute disgusting putrifying disgrace and I bet the rats that night gorged themselves to death! Consequently Mr FBS decided not to hold a free concert on the beach again due to the effect it had on the environment, good on you I say Mr FBS, and it's a shame that a lot more people don't stand up and say enough is enough you dirty rabble and put it in the bin! The same thing happend again at the Foo Fighter concert in Hyde Park.. except our little patch of ground was all clear, just the grass, with rubbish in a supermarket bag from a like minded concert goer, nice one Mr P!
Then you have the whole impact on wildlife and your rubbish. It doesn't take more than five seconds to cut the plastic rings holding your four pack together and you'll know for sure that some otter, seal, bird, or fish won't get it caught round their neck, have it slowly being grown over as the creature grows, slowly starving to death as they can't eat!
At least I know that even if I have to carry my empty water bottle / sandwich gladwrap / apple core around with me for the whole day, I'm not a litter bug and I'm doing my bit for recycling and composting!


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